Drink Less. Live Better...
If you're drinking more than you want to, rest assured you are not alone...
Society tends to mistakenly classify anyone who develops even a mild dependence on alcohol as an "Alcoholic." This one-size-fits-all label leaves millions of people concerned, but unsure what to do.
More than a Social Drinker, but less than an "Alcoholic" they are "Middle-of-the-Road" drinkers. You may be one of them. I certainly was. But it turns out, we are in good company! According to national surveys, there are millions of adults in this category. In fact, studies show that 8 out of 10 adults who drink above recommended moderate guidelines DO NOT meet the criteria of alcoholism. Who knew!?
So if you feel like your drinking may be holding you back in life, or putting a strain on your health, your marriage, your career, or from becoming a better version of yourself...and the traditional programs like AA or 12-Step don't seem like the right fit for you or your situation, then welcome! You have come to the right place!
Questioning your drinking?
Request your FREE copy of the
Alcohol Drinker Spectrum
to find out where you stand...