Permanently shift your mindset about drinking in a healthier direction...
What if...
Your drinking habit is holding you back from becoming a better version of yourself?
What if making one simple but powerful change in your life could dramatically improve your health, your closest relationships, your self-worth and your future possibilities?
You Are Not Alone...
Alcohol consumption is on the rise globally. The 2020 Pandemic saw the increase move sharply upward. And while society tends to classify those who drink as either Social Drinkers, or “Alcoholics,” the truth is that there is a lot of territory in between. There are millions of adults who are “Middle-of-the-Road” drinkers. I was one of them…perhaps you are too?
We land somewhere beyond Social Drinkers, but far less than “Alcoholics.” We have not crossed the threshold of becoming physically addicted. We can take brief breaks from drinking if we want to. But alcohol has risen to a role of great significance in our lives, often serving as our number one coping tool, and an essential component of our social lives.
Hi, I'm Morgan Smith
Founder of Sobermentum and creator of The Sober Vacation Transformation...and if any of this resonates with you, I can relate! Like many middle-aged adults, I was an avid drinker who slowly began drinking more than I was comfortable with over the years. Eventually, a mild neural adaptation and psychological dependence took root. This is not abnormal, nor a “disease”. It is actually the brain's perfectly normal and predictable response after repeated exposure to a euphoria-inducing psychoactive substance like alcohol. So don’t feel bad if you suspect this may have happened to you too!
I never got to the point where I couldn’t take breaks (I took several). But I had become deeply convinced (and perhaps you have too) that alcohol enhanced every single social event, and that a weekend or vacation just weren’t complete without the drinks flowing!
Additionally, alcohol became coping tool numero uno for any and every stressful event/circumstance/difficult life chapter. Sound familiar? What I never realized was just how alcohol can cause (and even exacerbate) the very stress/anxiety/depression we are using it to cure!
For folks like us, if we begin to question our drinking, where exactly do we turn? Do we ignore those faint voices of concern and bury them by just pouring another drink and saying ce la vie!? Do we consider a traditional means of addressing drinking problems like AA, 12-Step or Rehab? Perhaps, but most of us don’t feel like those extreme solutions pertain to our more modest levels of use.
Many in this situation will simply carry on living with whatever downsides alcohol continually serves up. And who can blame them? After all, society consistently reinforces what we also internally wish to believe, which is that drinking is a fun, harmless pastime and we should be able to enjoy ad nauseum without issue like everyone else.
But, what would your life look like if you removed your drinking habit entirely for a while?
How might it affect your mindset?
Your mental clarity?
Your emotional stability?
Your creativity?
Your physical health?
Your sleep?
Your energy levels?
Your closest relationships?
Your professional development?
Your goals and aspirations?
Okay, so maybe you’re somewhat uncomfortable with your current drinking routine, but you’re not ready to commit to any sort of permanent change. I mean, who wants to quit drinking right!? But if you’re here, then something about your current drinking routine is bothering you, or holding you back, or making you feel lousy. Something about it is amiss…
Well, why not pay a visit to the alcohol-free destination called “sobriety” and see how you like it? “Trying on” an alcohol-free lifestyle allows you to ease into a period of freedom from alcohol and its downsides. Sort of a “try before you buy” approach.
Learn MoreWhat is The Sober Vacation Transformation?
The Sober Vacation Transformation simply put, is a mindful period of time away from your drinking wherein you will re-evaluate your beliefs, assumptions and habitual conditioning around alcohol. Every element of the program is designed to transform your current relationship with alcohol into something healthier, and more sustainable FOR YOU. Your determination of where to go after completing the program may differ from someone else’s. And that is okay.
From a practical standpoint, The Sober Vacation Transformation is a, self-paced multi-media learning experience where you can freely explore the role drinking has come to occupy in your life, your mind, your relationships and your health…all in the complete privacy and comfort of your own home (or on the go via Mobile App). You can also post your specific questions in the comments boards after each module where I will personally answer them and share personalized responses (built-in coaching to help you create and maintain your momentum).
The program operates from a purely non-judgmental, pragmatic approach to drinking. It seeks to help you evaluate your drinking habit in light of the latest scientific research on alcohol and its effects on your brain, body and life.
The process also encourages you to assess things for yourself with your own thoughts and words, and in light of your own experiences. There is no preaching here, and certainly no agenda other than to assist you in taking a step back from your drinking in order to see it in a new light that is only permitted when the alcohol is not in your system. It is nearly impossible to analyze this situation objectively while you are in the midst of it.
"Just a quick note to let you know. Thank you for your programme. . .I knew that my drinking was harming me. But it ended there. . .I used to drink 5 to 10 double whiskey's every night in the last 10 years of my life. And it was getting worse. . .Your programme got me to this amazing life changing point. . . I have been on MY sober vacation with zero effort. And I feel great. Thank you Morgan" - Gerard
Should YOU Take a Sober Vacation?
Let’s set aside judgmental labels, or other peoples’ ideas of what a constitutes a “drinking problem” and simply consider how you would answer the following questions:
(Your Self-Assessment)
Do you drink more now than you used to?
Are you uncomfortable with some aspects of your relationship with alcohol?
Are you ever ashamed of things you’ve said or done while under the influence?
Is alcohol’s role in your life bigger than you’d like it to be?
Do you drink more than you’d like to?
Would it bother you if others knew how much you really drink?
Do you ever hide certain aspects of your drinking from loved ones or friends?
If you drank less, could it have a positive impact on your health?
Have you ever lied about how much you drink during a doctor visit?
Are you comfortable with the role model you’re providing to your children with respect to your drinking?
Has your drinking ever played a role in conflicts or arguments with your spouse or relationship partner?
Do you ever feel like alcohol takes more from you than it gives?
Is your drinking holding you back from being your best self, and accomplishing some of your life goals?
Even if you’ve never suffered any major consequences from your drinking, is there something about your habit that’s been bothering you?
Have you ever driven yourself home after a few drinks and wondered if that was really a responsible decision?
Do you ever feel like you are not entirely in control over your drinking habit?
Do you ever experience hangovers or mental fog and low energy the day after drinking?
Have you ever cancelled an important event, or backed out of a commitment (or maybe just called in sick to work) due to excessive drinking the night before?
Do you ever plan your social activities around the availability of alcohol?
Do you ever feel like you need a drink, as opposed to being able to take it or leave it?
Have you ever made an expensive purchase online while under the influence that you wouldn’t have had you been sober?
Do you ever dislike the person you become when you drink?
Do you ever feel like you invest too much time into your drinking habit (time that could otherwise be spent on doing something more constructive)?
Have you ever woken up and not remembered certain details from the night before (things you said/did)?
Have you ever created rules for your drinking, only to set them aside once the drinks started flowing? (examples: Only on weekends, Only two drinks for the night, Only beer or wine but no cocktails, No drinking alone, No drinking on an empty stomach)?
Does the thought of losing control over your alcohol consumption scare you?
Have you ever considered taking an extended break from drinking to see how your mind and body respond?
Have you taken short breaks from drinking, only to find the experience more difficult than you expected?
Are you interested in probing the topic of your drinking in a safe confidential manner, without the stigma of labels, confessing that you have an addiction, or going to public meetings with complete strangers?
Explore EnrollmentBut why do I need to buy a program?
Can’t I just simply take a break from drinking on my own and see how I like life without alcohol for a while?
Yes, most definitely! And plenty of people do this. But consider this analogy:
When you visit a museum or national monument, there are the folks who do their own tour, exploring the exhibits and checking out the scenery. But then there are the folks who purchase a guided tour. They will undoubtedly gain far greater insights into the back-stories, historical relevance and the significance of the various sights and scenes on display.
Are both groups of tourists seeing the same things? Yes. But which group is truly gaining the most out of the experience? Which group will walk away knowing (and remembering) far more about what they saw? Which group will recall the penetrating details, memorable stories and unique insights shared by the Tour Guide?
Now, there is no right or wrong way to do the tour is there? It’s just that one way will likely prove far more rewarding and impactful.
You have probably already taken some breaks from your drinking, perhaps even extended time off. However, if you’re here now and still reading this, then something about those breaks didn’t quite deliver the results you had hoped for. Maybe they helped you gain some valuable insights, or maybe you were only pressing the "Pause" button on the movie called Your Drinking Journey, and when you began drinking again you simply pressed “Play” and were rapidly transported right back to where you left off.
The Sober Vacation Transformation is designed to help you see the bigger picture…to understand how you arrived where you are today, and how you can change your future trajectory with respect to drinking in a tangible, permanent way.
"I just wanted to express how taken I am with your website and your simplicity of information regarding how alcohol grows into a problem, based on your spectrum. I haven't seen anything as well put together as yours..." - Laurie
Why should I listen to you?
I was a Poster-Child for the Middle-of-the-Road Drinker. Like many, I was over-consuming alcohol in plain sight. I slowly traveled from a few drinks on the weekends, to a few most nights of the week, to eventually every single night. It became such a normal part of my routine that nobody ever suspected a problem (well, at least they never said anything). I didn’t “seem” to have a problem. I was just a successful, sophisticated adult with a taste for craft beer and red wines…
But over time my body and my conscience were both telling me it was too much, and that change was needed. The mild hangovers crept in on a routine basis. My energy levels stagnated. I worried about the role model I had become for my teenage kids, and all of my nieces and nephews, as they never saw me at a single holiday or birthday party without a drink in my hand. I almost never got sloppy or “wasted.” But the message was clear…I NEEDED alcohol.
I also feared for the health of my marriage. On more than one occasion, my compromised judgement and misfiring brain-to-mouth control system led me to argue with my wonderful wife on occasions I otherwise wouldn’t have, or escalated something minor into something more than it needed to be.
No devastating DUI story, or life-shattering events thankfully. Just a concern that I was not living up to my full potential…that I wasn’t showing up as the best version of myself for those who loved me and needed me most.
I knew I could be better. And as someone who had always been a goal-setter and achiever, it just didn’t sit right with me to allow this to threaten everything I had devoted my life building up.
I tried making rules for myself to reign things in. Take a few nights off, count my drinks, have a glass of water in between drinks. You know, all of the things you’ve already heard you’re supposed to do if you want to cut back. But the rules inevitably failed. Because once you cross a certain threshold of neural adaptation, as soon as Drink #1 goes down the hatch, your perfectly logical game plan goes out the window! Once I realized my rules were not going to work…
I started taking breaks…first days, then weeks, then months. And I always felt better! But I’d eventually stumble and go back to the uncomfortable Comfort Zone of drinking.
Thankfully I kept reading, listening to podcasts and embarked upon my own research mission. I did this dance for 5 years before I finally put all of the puzzle pieces together.
Now there is no shortage of information out there about problem-drinking and solutions. It’s just that so much of it is misguided. Though perhaps well-intentioned, much of it is irrational and often counter-productive, driving people away rather than getting them predictable results.
And most of it is geared toward people with a Level 10 out of 10 drinking problem, what we all associate with the term “Alcoholism.”
But what if you only have a Level 5 or 6 out of 10 problem? Should you do nothing? Wait until it IS A Level 10 problem? Should you go to AA meetings when you clearly do not exhibit that caliber of dependence, nor the corresponding life consequences?
If you needed to lose 20lbs, would you go straight to a drastic medical procedure, like what might be recommended for someone who is 200lbs overweight? Of course not!
Unfortunately, some of the most common approaches to treating alcohol dependence are rooted in an outdated understanding of neuroscience, learning patterns and human psychology.
Then there are some of the newer schools of thought preaching that reigning in this long-term habit of yours is actually really easy, and you don’t need to use any willpower at all…just read the right book or attend the right two-day seminar and presto! You have reprogrammed your mind and suddenly you no longer desire to drink!
There may people for whom these popular approaches are effective. But I certainly was not one of them!
Sadly, with repeated attempts followed by repeated failure, a lot of folks choose to give up and just accept the downsides of their habit, despite its worsening over time.
But the good news is, you don’t have to!
Through extensive research, trial and error I identified a series of reliable and predictable insights, strategies and tactics that are highly effective. They are aligned with the latest scientific research on alcohol, the brain and a rational approach to human psychology and learning.
Implementing these proven, practical and proactive steps enabled me to finally leave my drink-related troubles all in the rear-view mirror, and continues to deliver similar results for those I work with in my Coaching Practice.
I no longer choose to drink because I prefer how I think and feel with a clear and predictable state of mind. I found that the most important parts of my life were greatly improved without alcohol’s effects. But my decision was made with a completely free mind.
As long as you remain under alcohol’s spell, you are not truly free to choose what role alcohol deserves to play in your life.
Therefore, the goal of a well-executed Sober Vacation is to get you to a place of complete mental freedom from all aspects of the booze.
Once you arrive to that mountain top, you will be able to see so much further, and with greater clarity which path forward is best for YOU.
Let's talk about the results...
"I tried to stop many times on my own and kept going in circles. I even went to a couple AA meetings but could not get on with some of their beliefs. I felt stuck and almost gave up. I was skeptical when I started this program but after a while it got easier once I grasped the basics. After a few slip ups in the very beginning, I am now at 84 days on sober vacation and finally feeling more hopeful about this than I have in years." - Abraham
The Sober Vacation Transformation is designed for people who drink more than they want to, but have not yet crossed the threshold of severe physical addiction, commonly referred to as “Alcoholism”. If you suspect you may have become physically addicted to alcohol, or if you have taken breaks in the past and experienced any physical withdrawal symptoms, it is recommended that you consult your physician before attempting the Sober Vacation Transformation program. Similarly, if you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition or take prescription medications for mental health reasons, it is also recommended that you consult your prescribing provider before starting a Sober Vacation.
The best time to start?
If you’re on the fence about when to take a Sober Vacation, rest assured there is a part of your brain that thinks there will never be a good time to start. If you’re a regular drinker, then drinking is already a big part of your life and there will always be a reason on the horizon to delay taking action, like holidays, vacations, birthday parties etc. There will ALWAYS be something coming up. So, if you see value in taking the plunge and experimenting with this concept, just pick a date and GO!
How can I sign up?But what will people think?
One of the reasons we allow months, years and even decades to pass us by without taking meaningful steps to re-evaluate our drinking is out of fear for what our family, friends, colleagues etc. might say or think. Does taking a Sober Vacation mean you are admitting to being an “Alcoholic?” or having “A Problem”?
Sadly, because society has unfairly stigmatized and labeled people who develop an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, it is totally understandable that there is hesitation to let anyone else know we feel like we need a break.
But there is good news! These days people are constantly experimenting with a variety of lifestyle, fitness, dietary, health and wellness choices as never before. You probably know people who have tried a Keto Diet, Intermittent Fasting, CrossFit…perhaps even gone Vegan for a while…
It has become more popular than ever, and everyone knows someone who’s tried one or another of these lifestyle experiments, whether temporarily or permanently. There’s never been a time when such departures from the norm have been more acceptable!
Ultimately, you need to do what is best for you, your health, your closest relationships and your future.
An investment in yourself.
The cost of The Sober Vacation Transformation program is probably less than you’ve ever spent on any vacation in your life…yet this investment in yourself has the potential to reward you with far more than relaxation and beautiful memories. It will help you get your arms around this drinking issue that’s likely been a source of concern for a while now. Even better, you probably already have the budget for it from what you’ve been spending on your drinking habit.
If you're an avid drinker, you will probably spend tens of thousands of dollars on alcohol throughout the rest of your lifetime if you make no changes to your current routine. If you don't believe me, go do the math...I'll wait ;-)
And if we’re being honest, the longer you wait to take action, the probability of truly dire outcomes like a DUI conviction or exorbitantly costly medical interventions become potential realities...let alone social, marital or parental consequences. What would those cost? Not just in terms of financial impact, but in irreversible harm to your most cherished relationships, or possibly your reputation?
Perhaps consider your Sober Vacation an investment in your long-term physical and mental health…and maybe even a down payment on priceless improvements to your most treasured relationships, and the legacy you will someday leave behind…
"Your program helped me see where I was going wrong when I tried to quit before. Now that I understand how my thinking was getting in the way, I'm better able to avoid the old traps and keep moving forward. As of today I haven't had a drink in almost five months which is personal record for me!" - Janet
It's completely risk free
I’ve dedicated the very best actionable content to The Sober Vacation Transformation because I want you to experience the freedom that comes from completely owning your mind, your emotions and your life without the undue influence of an outside substance.
I am completely confident that you will be able to permanently reframe your thinking and attitude about your drinking habit, and to help make this decision easier for you, I’m offering you a 14-day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of The Sober Vacation Transformation today.
Yes that’s right: Evaluate the entire program, check out the exercises and the methodology and if you don’t think it will work for you, contact me in the first 14 days after your purchase, and I’ll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.
What's Included?
The Sober Vacation Transformation is an immersive Multi-Media, Virtual Coaching Experience comprised of compelling video and audio lessons designed to travel right by your side and help guide you through the process of removing drinking from your routine, your life and your mind for a fixed period of time that you determine.
You will:
- Take complete control of your drinking
- Permanently shift your mindset about drinking in a healthier, positive direction
- Break free from the mental games alcohol plays in your head
- Identify the precise origins of the occasionally conflicting voices in your head about drinking
- Understand the root causes of cravings, and how to conquer them
- Explore healthier means of coping with stress and anxiety that suit your unique personality and lifestyle
- Cultivate greater mental and emotional durability
- Explore the concept of Drinking in Moderation and whether it can work for you
- Pave the way to becoming a better version of yourself
The Program also Includes:
- Thought Provoking, Guided Journal Prompts to help you explore your unique relationship with drinking in your own words and on your own terms
- BONUS: Lifetime access to the Sober Vacation Transformation, including all future updates to content within the program
- All program content is accessible for streaming via Desktop or convenient Mobile App (available on Apple & Android platforms)
Interactive Q&A in the Message Forum where you can post questions and get answers about the content in each lesson
- Overall Program Value to your Life, Health, Loved Ones and Your Legacy: Priceless
Imagine for a moment...
What your life could look like 5 years from now if you take action today?
- Could your self-worth and confidence receive a powerful boost?
- Would your closest relationships benefit?
- Could you possibly become a better role model for your kids (or grandkids)?
- Might you become a more emotionally durable human being?
- Could you improve your health and fitness?
- What personal or professional accomplishments might you finally tackle that you’ve left on the back-burner?
Now consider...
How many years it's been since you realized this part of your life might need some attention? What are you willing to sacrifice, and what are you willing to withhold from your loved ones by continuing along the current path you’re traveling?
Imagine 5 years down the road if your drinking continues at its current pace, or perhaps increases even further. Do you like what you see? How might this trajectory affect those you love the most?
I don’t want to lay a guilt trip on you, because I’ve been there. I know drinking more than you want to is a frustrating and sometimes embarassing conundrum, and you wish you could just wave a magic wand and make it disappear! Well I can’t offer you that wand, but what I can offer you is a proven method of shifting your mind and your life in a more positive and healthy direction with regard to your drinking.
If you are willing to do your part and put in the effort, you can rest assured that you will NOT remain where you are, and you will be better able to show up as your best self for your family, and all that matters most to you in your life.
Enrollment Details