You don't need to do this alone...
Altering your current drinking pattern can be a major challenge. Certainly some people can establish Sober Momentum on their own without any live, external support. However, many of us will see faster, more sustainable results from having a live connection to a Coach or Mentor who's been exactly where we are, and can help us navigate each step of the way while providing both compassion and accountability.
We all need a helping hand now and then. And while group sessions with strangers may work for some, if you prefer to keep this matter private and have the full attention on YOU and YOUR progress, then one-on-one private Coaching may just be a better fit for you.

Completely Confidential
I understand this can be a sensitive you may want to keep very private. Trust me, I was once in your shoes and I get it!
But you can rest assured that our work together remains entirely confidential. The intent is to get you the results you want in an environment where you feel free to be entirely honest about your situation, your challenges and your desired outcome.
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