How it all started...
Hi, I’m Morgan Smith, Founder of Sobermentum. Thanks for stopping by.
If you’re here because you’re drinking more than you want to, but haven’t quite decided what to do about it yet, you came to the right place. And boy can I relate!
The Middle of the Road
I used to be fond of craft beers and red wines and never considered myself anything close to an “alcoholic.” Thankfully I never experienced any devastating “rock-bottom” consequences from my drinking. But over the years it seemed like drinking slowly began to occupy a greater position of prominence in my life than I ever intended. Eventually the habit became an every day affair. It simply became a permanent fixture in my routine.
As the years rolled by...
I slowly began to question my drinking and its effects on my body, my life, my marriage and my legacy. While outwardly successful in many areas, I struggled to restrain this one stubborn vice.
How had this substance become so important to me? Why did it seem like an evening (or virtually any social gathering) just wasn’t complete without my favorite adult beverage? Why was it so difficult to stick to rules that I had set for myself in advance as I hit the “heat of the moment” once the drinks started flowing? And why was it more difficult than I expected when I tried to peel away from it for a while?

At times,
It felt like I was stuck in a behavioral loop that I didn’t fully understand, and couldn’t consistently control. It was frustrating and even scary sometimes. And physically speaking, as I aged it seemed like my tolerance level was heading North, while my recovery abilities were slowly flying South.
The thought of seeking any sort of formal treatment or group program wasn’t even on my radar. After all, weren’t those solutions for people with problems far, far worse than mine? But where did that leave me?
An initial internet search sparked what became an ongoing research mission to better understand what happens in our brains when we drink regularly, the interplay between neurochemistry and psychology...but more importantly, how to make things better.
Fast forward...
5 years later, I launched Sobermentum, fueled by my passion to help others wrestling with this same challenge.
I also want to create awareness about the growing problem of what I call “Middle-of-the-Road” drinkers, and help dispel unwarranted feelings of shame or guilt among those of us who've gotten tangled up with our drinking routines.
My mission is to help you move your relationship with drinking in a healthier direction that will benefit everything (and everyone) that matters most in your life.
If any of this resonates with you, then welcome! Take a look around the site and you'll find a variety of resources designed to help you begin (or continue) your own journey down this path of discovery about your drinking.

Self-Paced Journey
The Sober Vacation Transformation

Personalized Support
Portable, Confidential One-on-One Coaching with Morgan to help you create momentum and stay accountable to your goals
FREE Resources
Explore the topic of drinking in an open, non-judgmental way.